About Shopmazzz

Shopmazzz was accidentally discovered back in 2019 by current owner (me) Marie Young. I started selling my personal items. Over time it came to my attention I wasn't the only person with a massive love for second hand unique pieces.

Fastfoward to four years later Shopmazzz is now my full time job. I work from my studio based in Cornwall, England. Sourcing second-hand unique pieces from all over the world in attempt to reduce the 1.2 million tones of clothing that is dumped into landfill every year by the UK.

Please keep an eye out on my socials for any Shopmazzz events happening near you!

Love Maz x

  • @adrianabosnjak on instagram wearing a Versace dress from Shopmazzz

  • @luliatsf wearing a Dolce and Gabbana baby tee from the Shopmazzz

  • @loveive wearing a Ralph Lauren jumper and guess bag from Shopmazzz